The Buddha’s Medicine Blog
Through our blog, we aim to provide a repository of knowledge, inspiration, and practical guidance on all aspects of health and effective natural healing tools. We are passionate wellness enthusiasts, dedicated to bringing you valuable insights, ancient wisdom, and modern approaches to help you align with the healing power within and discover the path to a harmonious & fulfilling life. Explore the profound and timeless wisdom of holistic living, and unlock the secrets of well-being and inner peace within you.
Ayurvedic Insights on Weight Management
Ayurveda offers a sustainable, long-term approaches to achieving and maintaining a healthy metabolism and body size by bringing the body and mind into coordinated balance.
Embracing Routine, Part 3: Ayurvedic Daily Practices for Emotional and Mental Health
In the Ayurvedic tradition, behavioral health is considered central and paramount to overall well-being.
Embracing Routine, Part 2: Dinacharya - Daily practices for Health and Prevention
The most regularly used Sanskrit term for this is dinacharya (pronounced “din-acharyaa”) - literally, something like “daily conduct” or “daily movement.” The term refers to wholesome habits for daily living that support health. Dinacharya works by bringing balance in simple ways where there might be imbalance, but even more importantly, via prevention.
Thoughts on Dosha Questionnaires
I get asked a lot what I think about dosha questionnaires - inventories of questions that are supposed to shed light on a person’s Ayurvedic constitution.