Contact Us
We’re local to the Portland, OR metro area, and available for Telehealth Nationwide!
Email: support@thebuddhasmedicine.com
Address: 3310 SE Oak St, Portland, OR 97214
Phone: 971-394-9929
Fax: 971-394-9993
Note for Established Patients: We kindly request that you utilize the patient portal as your primary method of communication with us. While email and text messaging are still available options, we encourage you to take advantage of the benefits offered by the patient portal first.
"Before I was introduced to Dr. Matt, I was seeing different specialists every month without getting any results. I felt like I had to heal myself and that left me in limbo. With Matt I feel like I deserve to be well. He is a fantastic listener and master at solving puzzles. I’m amazed at his attention to detail and amount of time he takes to listen to my laundry list of symptoms. With his guidance, I’m grateful to be the best version of myself I’ve ever been."
— C.S., patient of The Buddha’s Medicine